10 Reasons You’re Tired All the Time- #1 Will Surprise You
•Posted on August 01 2014
You try to get your 8 hours sleep, but you’re still tired all the time- from morning until evening. You’re not alone. Many people suffer from constant fatigue, even after getting plenty of shut-eye. There are several underlying conditions that can cause you to feel exhausted, reaching for that coffee cup before noon, including anemia from vitamin B12 deficiency.
This is why you’re tired all the time:
It’s a common misconception that to beat tiredness, you just need to get more sleep. If you stay up late watching television or chatting on Facebook, then yes- you need to turn off all electric media and get to sleep.
But for many, chronic fatigue lingers throughout the day, every day, even despite following all the rules of good sleep hygiene. You wake up feeling hung over, sluggish. You never get that feeling of refreshed wakefulness that most people feel when they get up in the morning.
Here are some reasons for that.
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Sometimes referred to as pernicious anemia or vitamin B12 anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency can make you feel overwhelmingly tired, lethargic, and slow. This is due to reduced levels of red blood cells which are needed to deliver oxygen to your brain and other parts of the body.
Fatigue is one of many early signs of vitamin B12 deficiency; others include brain fog, memory problems, painful numbness and tingling, and dizziness.
The best thing you can do is to start taking vitamin B12 immediately. While the B12 blood tests are helpful for detecting severe pernicious anemia, they are often unhelpful in diagnosing medium to low ranges of vitamin B12 serum levels that still cause debilitating symptoms.
There is no danger of taking too much vitamin B12, as any unused amounts are excreted in the urine. A good rule of thumb is to take at least 1000mcg per week. Vitamin B12 helps to boost energy, so most people notice good results almost immediately.
Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia (FM) are separate illnesses that are often grouped together because they share common symptoms, including daily crushing fatigue and chronic pain.
Because many people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue also suffer from gastrointestinal distress, vitamin B12 deficiency is often also a comorbid factor. If you are diagnosed with either CFS or FM, then it’s a good idea to increase vitamin B12 supplementation for increased energy and mental focus.
Sleep disturbances
Sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome can be making it difficult for you to get quality sleep, causing you to feel tired all the time.
Constant tiredness can be a sign of pre-diabetes, due to sugars in the blood not being digested properly and used for energy.
Also, if you take metformin for diabetes, then you are at risk for vitamin B12 deficiency, as metformin and other medications inhibit your ability to digest vitamin B12, leading to vitamin B12 malabsorption and eventual deficiency.
Thyroid condition
A sluggish thyroid and, surprisingly, an overactive thyroid can cause severe fatigue.
Prescription medications
Constant fatigue is a common symptom of long-term use of painkillers and antidepressants. This can be a side effect of the drug, a sign of misuse, or it can result from vitamin B12 malabsorption.
Overwhelming sadness such as that occurs in chronic depression can make you feel tired and disoriented.
Over time, built-up nervous tension without relief can make you feel wiped out before the day is done.
Morbid obesity carries many health concerns, including chronic fatigue.
Do you work in an office or other occupation where you are sitting most of the day? Sedentariness is risk factor for obesity, heart disease, and fatigue. Doctors recommend taking breaks throughout the work day, even just to stretch your legs. Also, to boost energy, commit yourself to some form of light exercise 20-30 minutes per day.
What else can you think of?
Do you suffer from a condition that makes you feel tired all the time?
Do you know of any other ways to beat constant tiredness and boost energy?
How has your life improved since you started taking regular vitamin B12 supplements?