4 of the Best Supplements for Stomach Bloating
•Posted on May 09 2022

It’s only natural to experience bloating at one point or another – stress, food, and allergies can all cause your belly to swell. However, when bloating becomes a regular occurrence and begins to interfere with your daily routine and general well-being, it’s time to take action.
You’ll know you’re bloated when your abdomen feels full and tight. You will also likely experience a build-up of gas in your GI tract. In more serious cases, bloating can even lead to pain and fluid retention.
The good news is that along with specific lifestyle changes (which we will get into later), there are certain supplements that you can take to reduce or eliminate bloating.
The Best Supplements for Stomach Bloating
1. Find a Suitable Probiotic
The first option for those experiencing regular bloating is to find an appropriate probiotic. Disruptions in your gut health is one of the reasons why bloating occurs – this is where probiotics come in. Probiotics consist of good bacteria that help keep your body working as it should.
There are different probiotic strains for you to choose from, but lactobacillus acidophilus is usually the best option for overall gut health.
While you can purchase probiotics from a local store, you may want to speak to a doctor or dietician if your bloating has become an ongoing issue.
2. Keep Your Electrolytes Balanced
If you find that your bloating gets worse after a workout or during the summer months, this could be due to your electrolyte balance. As much as you can increase your water intake and stay hydrated, your body is still losing sodium and potassium.
Consider incorporating electrolyte supplements into your routine if you feel that bloating has gotten out of hand and you’re running out of options. You don’t need to drink the entire supplement in one go either – sip on it throughout the day to benefit.
Also experiencing pain after your workouts? Here are the key signs of fibromyalgia to look out for.
3. Add Some Vitamin D
If you are deficient in vitamin D, this could be one of the main reasons why you’re experiencing bloating of the stomach. Those struggling with IBS have found that taking a vitamin D supplement greatly reduced their symptoms. Vitamin D can even help if bloating is one of your main concerns during your menstrual cycle.
4. L-Glutamine Works Too
L-glutamine is another one of the best supplements for bloating. It often forms part of weight-loss programs because of the digestive and overall health benefits. This supplement can be added to your morning shake or any liquid supplements you take before or after a workout.
Bonus Tips to Help You Beat the Bloat
Along with adding the above-mentioned supplements to your diet, there are a few other things you can do to reduce bloating as much as possible.
- Keep up your water intake. Along with the electrolyte supplement we mentioned, it’s incredibly important to stay hydrated. If you become constipated, your bloating will be far worse.
- Rethink that menu. Do you find that your bloating gets worse after certain foods? Perhaps you’ve never considered it before? It might be time to get tested for food allergies. If you have a food intolerance, your stomach could be reacting by bloating. Also, if you’re eating too much salt and sugar, or drinking too many fizzy drinks, this too could be the reason for your bloating.
- See your gynecologist. Hormonal changes are another regular culprit when it comes to bloating. Speak to your gynecologist if you’ve started a new hormone-based medication or treatment, or if you’ve noticed changes such as mood swings.
- Rule out any medical conditions. If you don’t believe this to be hormone-related, you may want to see your doctor about any underlying medical conditions. IBS and Crohn’s disease are just two conditions related to bloating.
- Don’t stop moving. If you have always exercised regularly but have recently stopped, this could be the reason for those extra days of bloating. Simply taking a walk is an ideal way to reduce bloating – yoga is also excellent.
- Try abdominal massage. Another option for getting rid of excess gas is abdominal massage. Basically, you want to apply light pressure and rub your abdomen in circular motions starting from your right hip bone, up to the right of your ribs, across to your left ribs, and down toward your left hip bone.
- Peppermint capsules can help too. Peppermint is known to relax the intestinal muscles, which makes it easier for gas and stools to move.
In Closing
A bloated stomach, pain, and gas are not something you need to live with, not now that you know more about the best supplements for stomach bloating.
If your bloating continues even after trying different methods and supplements, it’s best to see your doctor again if you haven’t already – a medical professional can assist you with next steps.