Essential Health Tips for Men of Every Age (20s – 50s+)
•Posted on May 30 2023

Nobody wants to think or speak about ageing but it’s an inevitable part of life, and the sooner you make it a priority, the fewer issues you can potentially experience later in life.
Even though there are many similarities between how men and women age, there are also some notable differences.
To make the ageing process a little less complicated and confusing, we’ve put together some of the most essential health tips for men of every age.
A Word on the Male Ageing Process
From the moment you are born all the way through to old age, your body goes through a range of changes. Being aware of these changes is what helps you maintain your health throughout your life.
Adolescence is when testosterone levels begin to rise, leading to a heightened interest in physical intimacy. This hormonal change also produces a number of bodily and emotional fluctuations, some of which can cause men to close up about the changes they’re experiencing.
Unfortunately, this pattern is often linked to men only seeking help with health concerns much later, which results in unnecessary suffering on a physical and mental level.
It’s important that we bring more awareness to the common issues that men could potentially face throughout their lifetime and that it’s healthy to ask for advice and help.
Essential Health & Wellness Tips for Men Based on Their Age
Here are some of the basic tips to keep in mind as you move through life as a man.
20s: The Preventative Era
Men in their 20s are still generally quite healthy, but it’s also when they start experiencing life for the first time, which can be stressful and overwhelming. For this reason, there are some key habits that you need to form during this decade.
- Find a sleep routine that works for you. When you get enough sleep, your body and mind benefit in a big way. Seven hours of sleep is recommended per night if you want to be able to function at an optimum level. Having a sleep routine can really help set you up for a lifetime of better sleep. These sleep tips can help.
- Quit smoking now. Quitting smoking now can help your body repair and recover before you get much older when more serious health issues become more prevalent. What’s more, it will help you look younger for longer.
- Take care of your skin. A tan might look good now, but spending too much time in a tanning bed or direct sunlight without protection can be harmful in the long run. Make sunscreen a part of your morning routine every day.
- Learn to cook. Takeout is a quick fix when you’re busy, but this is the ideal time to learn to cook at home. Exploring how healthy ingredients can be turned into a tasty meal will ensure healthy eating becomes a lifetime habit.
- Schedule regular STI tests. Practicing safe sex not only protects you but any current and future partners too. However, it’s still recommended that you get tested regularly for STIs, most of which can be cured with medication.
- Understand your family history. If you don’t already have this information, now is the time to gain a deeper understanding of the health concerns and diseases that run in your family. Speak to your parents as well as your grandparents if they’re still around to collect as much information as possible.
30s: The Family Era
Your 30s are when you’re generally more stable in your career and have thoughts about starting a family. It also means that your body’s about to go through some additional changes that could bring about new health concerns. Here are some tips to keep on hand.
- Schedule important screenings. This is the age when you should settle on a primary healthcare physician, someone who can keep a record of your health and guide you through any changes and concerns. A physician can also keep you on track in terms of essential screenings, including cancer, HIV, STI, and skin exams.
- Focus on essential nutrients. Once you’re in your 30s, it becomes even more important to ensure your body is getting enough of the right nutrients. During this time, make sure you’re not skimping on protein and that you’re getting enough Omega-3, calcium, iron, potassium, and phytonutrients.
- Adopt a strength training routine. At this age, your body naturally starts to lose muscle mass, which is why a strength training routine is so important. Not only does it help you maintain a healthy weight, but it can reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer.
- Manage your stress. Life is bound to be a little more stressful at this point, which is why doctors will encourage you to adopt stress management practices such as walking, massage, yoga, and breathing exercises.
- Give your heart some help. Along with stress, your heart is now also more susceptible to cholesterol build-up and high blood pressure, so you need to be good to it. Exercising regularly, staying away from tobacco products, and maintaining a healthy eating plan all make small but significant differences.
40s: The Screening Era
Your 40s is when the relationship with your doctor is really going to come into play. Along with a deterioration in bone health, other conditions become more prominent during this time of life, which is why regular screening becomes even more important.
- Book that prostate exam. After 40, it’s essential to schedule a prostate cancer screening – your primary care physician can assist you with this. Rectal exams and blood tests are now available as a screening method.
- Watch out for inflammation. Your bones and joints are gradually changing, which means joint pain and inflammation are more common. Aim to start limiting or avoiding inflammatory triggers such as red meat and alcohol.
- Maintain your sleep routine. If you don’t yet have a sleep routine, now is the time to create one. Even if you already have a sleep routine, this is a good time to re-evaluate it – is it still working? Consider your room, what time you go to bed, how you’re spending your time before bed, and whether you might need to consider a melatonin supplement.
- Speak about your symptoms. If at any stage during your 40s you start noticing significant changes such as a loss of muscle mass, poor sex drive, depression, chronic pain, blood in the urine, or lumps, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.
- Keep the belly at bay. It’s perfectly natural for men to start gaining weight around their middle by the time they hit midlife, but this doesn’t mean you need to accept it. Do what you can to maintain a healthy weight to avoid heart problems and diabetes.
50s+: The Male Menopause Era
Even though male menopause is not as talked about as its female counterpart, there are still a number of similarities between them, including a decrease in sex drive and mood changes. Here’s what to focus on once you reach the age of 50+.
- Double your screenings. Where you may only need to schedule specific health tests every 2 years prior to 50, once you are older than 50, they need to become more common – once a year is recommended. Along with your regular prostate exam, it’s also essential to get your colon checked. Even a general health check-up is recommended every 6 months over and above specific tests where you can discuss changes you might be experiencing that could be linked to male menopause.
- Focus on food instead of supplements. Supplements absolutely make a difference and have their place, but they’re no longer a substitute for real, wholesome, nutrient-rich food. Now is the ideal time to relook at your eating habits and find ways you can make even more changes to what you’re consuming.
- Get mindful. Reducing your stress levels is still just as important after 50 as it once was. Practicing mindfulness and engaging in a meditation practice is not only good for your heart, but your mind and immune system too.
- Keep moving. Even though your fitness levels might not be where they used to be, it’s still important to keep moving in a way that works for you. An active body is naturally a healthier one.
- Keep an eye on your skin. Sunscreen should always be a part of your daily routine, even if you don’t spend as much time outside. You also want to keep a closer eye out for skin changes after the age of 50 so that you can raise them with your doctor at your next check-up.
A man’s health changes a little more at every stage of life, which is why implementing good habits early on is so critical and beneficial.