How Do I Know If My Vitamin Supplements Are Working?

Written by Vita Sciences


Posted on April 24 2023

There are a number of ways you can improve your health and having a consistent vitamin supplement routine is one of the simplest.

However, if you’ve just started a new routine, you may be wondering how long it will take to see the positive effects and how you can tell whether your vitamins are working – this is what we’ll unpack in this blog.  

Let’s start with an answer to one of the most common questions.

How Long Does It Take for Vitamins to Work?

The answer to this mainly depends on your level of deficiency.

On average, most people can start seeing a difference in 6 weeks to 3 months.

But for someone who has a severe deficiency, it could take longer for the results to become more obvious.

Other factors can also play a role in how quickly your vitamins take effect, including:

  • Your Eating Habits. What you eat can either speed up the effectiveness of your vitamin supplement routine or slow it down. For example, while vitamin C and B are water-soluble, other vitamins such as A, D, and E require dietary fat for optimal absorption. This means that people who follow a vegan diet may not experience the full effects of certain vitamins.
  • Underlying Health Concerns. Someone who has an underlying health concern can also experience delayed efficacy. Obesity and any diseases that affect absorption such as Celiac or Crohn’s disease can make it harder for vitamins to take full effect.
  • Vitamin Quality. Unfortunately, not all vitamin supplements are created equal. The quality of the supplements you take is another factor that can impact your experience. It’s essential to make sure you’re only purchasing your supplements from reputable brands such as Vita Sciences.
  • How You Take Your Vitamins. There are three ways that you can take your daily vitamins – orally, topically, or sublingually. When you swallow a vitamin, there are a lot of processes that take place before it reaches your liver and is released into your bloodstream. Swallowing vitamins means you are usually receiving a lower dosage than what you originally ingested, but again, the quality of your vitamins makes a difference here. Applying vitamins topically or taking them sublingually means the vitamins have a quicker route into your bloodstream.
  • Types of Vitamins. Multivitamins tend to be a popular choice among adults. Unfortunately, they don’t provide the targeted benefits that individual supplements do. When you take individual vitamins, you are more likely to get your full daily requirement of that nutrient.

Factors That Effect Vitamin Efficacy

How to Tell If Your Vitamins Are Working

Now that you know which factors can impact the effectiveness of your vitamins, let’s look at the signs you can look out for to tell whether your supplements are working.

Know Your Symptoms

Most people start taking vitamins because they’re addressing specific health concerns. To better understand whether your supplements are working, it helps to jot down the symptoms you’re currently experiencing and are concerned about. This way, it’s easier to tell if your symptoms are lessening or clearing up completely. Testing your vitamin levels before you start a new routine can also really help.

Your Hair, Skin & Nails are Looking Healthier

One of the clearest signs that your vitamin supplements are doing their job is that the health of your hair, skin, and nails improves. If your hair and nails are stronger and your skin is clearer and glowing, you’re definitely doing something right.

It’s Not as Difficult to Get Going in the Mornings

When your body doesn’t have the right nutrients, your energy levels tend to dip. With a good vitamin routine, you should notice higher and more consistent energy levels. Even more so if you change your eating habits and stay hydrated. B vitamins, iron, zinc, and magnesium are particularly good if you’re tired of feeling tired.

You Remember Where You Left Your Keys

Your brain needs the right fuel to keep your memory in tip-top shape. If you’re finding that your memory is a lot better than it once was, it could be a sign that you’re taking the right vitamins.

Flu and Tummy Bugs Are No Longer a Common Occurrence

Vitamins can give your body a stronger foundation, making it more difficult for germs to affect your immune system. If the sniffles were once a common occurrence but this is no longer the case, it probably means your supplements are doing what they’re meant to.

You’re Feeling Stronger

If you’re a regular in the gym, you will find yourself feeling stronger, experiencing more stamina, and recovering more quickly if your vitamin supplement routine is on point. This is particularly true if you’ve increased your intake of vitamin D, which has a positive impact on muscles and the skeletal system.

In Closing

When it comes to getting the most out of your vitamins, it mostly comes down to quality, consistency, and understanding which vitamins you need the most. Overall, you can’t go wrong by deciding to adopt a new vitamin routine that’s aligned with your needs.