Simple Tactics to Help You Stay Energized Throughout the Day

Written by Vita Sciences


Posted on September 12 2022

Life is busy and busyness leads to fatigue, but this doesn’t mean you need to accept it as normal.

While the below tactics won’t guarantee that you’ll never have a slower day again, they can certainly provide you with more days where you feel energized throughout.

And the good news is that you don’t need to make any massive life changes either.

Tips to Help You Feel More Energized Throughout the Day

Here are a few things you can try if you feel that your slumps are rolling from one day into the next.

Add Some Protein to Your Breakfast

You may think that a carb-based breakfast would be your best option for energy, but it’s actually protein that you want.

Eggs, yogurt, and nuts are all foods that you can work into your first meal of the day to make the most of your day. This way, you don’t crash later on, leaving you to concentrate and be as productive as you need to be.

Give Yourself an Exercise-Sunshine Combo

Both exercise and sunshine are great for beating that late afternoon slump. When is that you feel the most tired? Is it an hour after you wake up or much later in the day. If possible, find a way to exercise outside during that time, even if it’s just a walk. The extra oxygen and sunshine will lift your mood and boost your immune system.

Increase Your Vitamin B Intake

If you’re really struggling with fatigue, it could very well be that you’re not getting enough vitamin B, vitamin B12 in particular. You can either increase your vitamin B intake with a supplement, food such as liver, beef, or sardines, or you can opt for a vitamin B12 patch – you can order one directly from the Vita Sciences website.

Stick to One Cup of Coffee

You may think that caffeine is what’s getting you through the day, but one too many cups can actually leave you feeling more tired than you started. This is particularly true if you’ve been drinking too much coffee for years. Once you create a dependency, your body cannot feel the effects as well as it once did.

Drink…More…Water (Yes, this one again)

It can’t be stressed enough how important it is to stay hydrated, and reducing fatigue is another good reason to keep a water bottle close by. And on the topic of hydration, limit your alcohol intake, especially during a demanding week.

Increase Your Magnesium Intake

Another mineral that your body needs to provide you with sustained energy is magnesium – it will even help you sleep better (which is just as important for reducing fatigue).

Magnesium is required to break down glucose into energy, so if you’re not getting enough magnesium, your body won’t be able to produce the energy it needs, not as effectively anyway. You can either start taking a supplement or you can incorporate more whole grains, fish, and nuts into your diet.

Check Thyroid Function

If you try some of the above tactics and still don’t feel quite as energized as you would like, you may want to check your thyroid and complete blood cell count.

Women in particular are more prone to thyroid problems, which most often develop after childbirth or pre-menopause.  The point of a full blood count is to rule out anemia, which reduces the oxygen in your blood.

In Closing

One or all of these tactics can help you feel more energized throughout the day for more days in a row – just remember to be consistent about it.